Contructs a LexerTables object.
Looks up an identifier.
Looks up a newline value that can be shared among Lexer instances.
Looks up a StringValue in the table.
Looks up a string in the table.
Looks up a ulong in the table.
Maps float strings to Float values.
Maps id strings to unique Identifier objects.
A list of newline values. Only instances where the 'hlinfo' member is null are kept here.
Maps hashes to binary string values.
Maps string+postfix to StringValues.
Maps a ulong to an IntegerValue.
Tables used by the $(MODLINK2 dil.lexer.Lexer, Lexer).
The purpose is to keep common Token values stored in a single place, with the added benefit of saving memory. Most importantly, it provides access to unique Identifiers. TODO: Inserting and reading needs to be thread-safe.