
Serializes a linked list of tokens to a buffer. $(BNF / FileFormat := Header IdArray Tokens / Header := "DIL1.0TOKS\x1A\x04\n" / IdArray := "Ids:" IdCount IdElement* "\n" / IdElement := AbsOffset IdLength / Tokens := "Toks:" TokenCount BodyLength (IdTok | OtherTok)+ "\n" / IdTok := TOK RelOffset IdIndex / OtherTok := TOK RelOffset TokenLength / IdCount := 2B # Number of elements in IdArray (=Identifier*[].) / AbsOffset := 4B # Absolute offset from the beginning of the source text. / IdLength := 2B # The length of the identifier. / TokenCount := 4B # Number of tokens (including EOF.) / BodyLength := 4B # Total length of the token data. / TOK := 1B # The token kind. / RelOffset := 2B # Relative offset to previous token (=whitespace.) / IdIndex := 2B # Index into IdArray. /TokenLength := 2B # Length of the token's text. / 1B := 1Byte / 2B := 2Bytes / 4B := 4Bytes /)

struct TokenSerializer {
string HEADER;
