Constructs an object.
Reads 1 byte.
Reads 2 bytes.
Reads 4 bytes.
Reads size_t.sizeof bytes.
Reads a byte and checks if it equals tid.
Creates an error message.
Reads a type id.
Reads the kind of a Node.
Reads the protection attribute.
Reads the StorageClass attribute.
Reads the LinkageType attribute.
Reads the mangled array type and then each node.
Reads a char.
Reads a boolean.
Reads a uint.
Reads a TOK.
Reads a Token.
Reads an array of Tokens.
Reads an array of arrays of Tokens.
Reads T.sizeof bytes.
Generates e.g.: _0, _1, _2
Generates e.g.: mixin visitX!(CompoundDecl);
Generates e.g.:
For error messages.
One past the last byte.
Current byte.
The list of Tokens.
Deserializes a binary AST file.