Converts a UTF-8 string to a UTF-16 string.
Converts a UTF-8 string to a UTF-32 string.
Converts a UTF-16 string to a UTF-8 string.
Enumeration of errors related to decoding UTF-16 sequences.
Enumeration of errors related to decoding UTF-8 sequences.
Converts a string from type A to B.
Decodes a character from str at index.
Decodes a character starting at ref_p.
Decodes a character from a UTF-16 sequence.
Decodes a character from a UTF-16 sequence.
Decodes a character from a zero-terminated UTF-16 string.
Advances ref_p only if this is a valid Unicode alpha character.
Encodes c and appends it to str.
Writes the encoded character to a buffer that must be of sufficient length.
Encodes c and appends it to str.
There are a total of 66 noncharacters.
Returns true when p points to a valid Unicode alpha character.
Returns true when p points to a valid Unicode alpha character (also advances p.)
Returns the precise error in a UTF-16 sequence.
Returns the precise error in a UTF-8 sequence.
Invalid character, returned on errors.
U+FFFD = �. Used to replace invalid Unicode characters.