Constructs an Array and reserves space of n bytes.
Returns the total capacity of the Array.
Sets the capacity to exactly n bytes.
Compacts the capacity to the actual length of the Array. Destroys if the length is zero.
Frees the allocated memory.
Returns the Array as a dynamic array.
Returns a copy allocated using the GC and destroys this Array.
Grows the capacity by n or cap * 1.5.
Returns the size of the Array in bytes.
Sets the size of the Array in bytes. Resizes space if necessary. Does not deallocate if n is zero.
Appends x of any type to the Array. Appends the elements if X is an array.
Returns a slice into the Array. Warning: The memory may leak if not freed, or destroyed prematurely.
Returns the remaining space in bytes before a reallocation is needed.
Sets the capacity so that n bytes of space remain.
Allocates exactly n bytes. May shrink or extend in place if possible. Does not zero out memory. Destroys if n is zero.
Shrinks the Array by n bytes.
Fast, mutable, resizable array implementation.